Pot News: Colorado Tax Illegal? Supremacy Clause Surrender at Risk?

Rob Corry, highly visible marijuana lawyer in Colorado, filed a case against the Gov, and various State agencies, arguing that all taxes collected by the State were illegally collected UNDER FEDERAL LAW, and therefore had to be returned. He argues that the supremacy clause (state vs. federal powers) is won by the the Feds and not by the states. Victory would mean the feds control all pot law, basically.  ..

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The Scientific Basics of THC and THC COOH (carboxy THC)

An example of useless information for determining marijuana-caused impairment is looking at urine in a lab. Urine is cheap and easy to test for the amount of one metabolite of THC. A metabolite is, simply put, a chemical produced by the body from another chemical taken into the body. ..

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How to Help Yourself During a Traffic Stop

FREE LEGAL ADVICE, from 38 years experience in criminal defense. I am NOT explaining how to defeat any laws and advise you that you should follow the laws of your state and country and of any other state in which you find yourself. ..

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Blood test results for active THC delta 9 and for THC COOH and what that means.

THC COOH (pronounced carboxy THC) is a metabolite of THC delta 9, the psychoactive cannabinoid in pot. THC delta 9 is commonly referred to as just THC, and the carboxy commonly referred to as THC COOH. The COOH metabolite (made by the body FROM the active THC) takes a few hours to become present and detectable, and is thus arguably exculpatory. It is not psychoactive. It is the chemical that for years, and in employment and other contexts has been the subject of the urine tests, and can be found for days, weeks, or even 105 days (longest I've read of). Being lipid (fat) soluble it is the THC COOH that is stored in the fat cells and hangs around for a long time. Since urine sampling and testing is cheap and simple, an employer can use it to fire someone, even though the smoking may have been only on Friday nights with no employment until Monday, and never within any possible impairing time of work. ..

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Pet Pot? Not!

Board, Colorado NORML, former Judge, 38 years criminal defense, with two turtles and a cat calling his home their home also. ..

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Book Review: Colorado DUI Defense: The Law and Practice

The Colorado Lawyer | March 2014 | Vol. 43, No. 3 69
Reproduced by permission. © 2014 Colorado Bar Association,
43 The Colorado Lawyer 6970
(March 2014). All rights reserved. ..

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Rick Steves Issues $100,000 Challenge Grant to Fund NORML

SEATTLE, WA — Television travel host Rick Steves and WeedMaps founder Justin Hartfield pledged $100,000 to the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws if cannabis-loving contributors match the money.

“When I joined NORML a decade ago, no politician I know would stand by our cause,” writes Steves. “Today I have a copy of a letter on my desk signed by both Washington State senators and nearly our entire congressional delegation asking President Obama to support the will of the people in our state.”

And that’s no coincidence, it took the work of dedicated activists, says Steves, and while tens of millions of Americans use cannabis, a relative few support pot policy reform with their money or time. But for those that do, Steves writes, “given our successes in the last year, it’s been time and money brilliantly spent.”

And NORML is the only organization that has voiced the concerns of the cannabis community for 40 years. Activists may argue over their effectiveness in that time, but the fact remains that NORML is one of three pot reform groups to endorse Washington State’s legal cannabis initiative—the other two being Marijuana Policy Project and Students for Sensible Drug Policy. In a state with a dozen or more organized pot activist groups, hundreds of dispensaries, and thousands of pot growers, only these three organizations had the tenacity to endorse I-502 amidst an entrenched, acerbic medical cannabis industry.

For this act alone, NORML deserves reward. They certainly deserve to win the free Super Bowl ad contest, and I think we need to hook them up with a marijuana museum in downtown Seattle, but a small internet donation is a more certain and immediate reward—and don’t forget, your donation is being doubled by Rick Steves and Justin Hartfield. As of this morning, the challenge grant has netted over $10,000 from Internet donors, and eleven days remain to contribute to the campaign.

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